Monday, August 9, 2010


I want you guys to know that I have started a little farm in my friend's backyard. We started planting in April and now we are harvesting the crops. Yesterday was the first day of harvesting. We harvested some sweet corn, tomatoes, and a Minnesota Midget melon. Here is a picture of the produce we picked.

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!! that is so fantastic that you have such gorgeous fruit and corn. ooohlala. this year i planted a small farm in our back yard. we used to have a big huge tree but it fell last summer during a storm. We have tons of tomatoes, corn, carrots, beets, cucumbers, rhubarb, kale, lettuce, beans, and herbs and flowers. it's so much fun to watch the corn grow. i will use the dead stalks as halloween decorations. thanks for sharing the pictures!
